Torsten Nenzén is the personal website of Torsten Nenzén. Correct information about Torsten may be obtained through request by sending him an e-mail. For unbiased information, however, you may also directly ask his Saviour - Jesus Christ.

ˇ Torsten expresses his personal perspective on contemporary issues and truth (in Swedish): ˇ It is absolutely true that Jesus Christ loves you. ˇ Can you digest these three truthful summaries? here
ˇ Is truth dependent on its popularity? Please audio-test for yourself here
Karolinska Institutet
Sweden's medical university Karolinska Institutet (known for its Nobel Prize Assembly who annually decide recipients of the Nobel Prize in Medicine) appallingly obstruct and discriminate against international evidence within the abortion sciences. Karolinska Institutet reject all published evidence that some women suffer mental ill health related to induced abortion. Karolinska Institutet consequently refuse any academic communication with its student in Public Health, simply because Karolinska Institutet have decided that "There is no evidence in literature.", whereas the student refer to the published articles in internationally recognized scientific journals. The Swedish professor-cowards at Karolinska Institutet and the sciencephobic parliamentarians of Sweden, through their persistent statement that Sweden's abortion policies "have a positive effect on women", are concurrently at war against evidence based science. At Sweden's Karolinska Institutet, national government policies overrule scientific evidence. Karolinska Institutet obstruct, discriminate and lie for the sake of denying the international evidence in abortion science: KI discrimination and lies
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Swedish priests Swedish pastors lack Christian compassion: kyrkor Secularised and aggressively antichristian Swedish society Morally confused Swedish monarchy with an arrogant Crown Princess in rebellion against God, and harassments from the Swedish Security Police: Spineless Monarchs Swedish anti-Semitism ˇ Sweden's anti-Semitic, corrupt and dishonest police: anti-Semitic police ˇ The Chancellor of Justice in Sweden condones illegal methods of advertising anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic propaganda: truth in photo ˇ 36% of Swedish population express ambivalent attitudes towards Jews (Living History Forum 2006): report summary European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) European Union validates Sweden's discrimination against evangelical Christianity; Swedish government-sponsored theological colleges may legally refuse enrolment of students because they have publicly declared homosexuality as a sin against God. ˇ European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): ECHR's verdict 2007-02-20 ˇ Sweden's failure to recognize discrimination against evangelical Christian truths: application to ECHR ˇ ECHR application: supportive documentation Teologiska Högskolan i Stockholm (THS) Christophobic discrimination: THS discrimination ˇ Teologiska Högskolan i Stockholm (THS) heretical postmodern theology: THS heretical theology ˇ Swedish Government's HomO constructs and disseminates untruths about evangelical Christians: Swedish HomO European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) European Union validates Sweden's passive and active permission for anti-Zionist public propaganda using illegal method. ˇ European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): ECHR's verdict 2005-11-23 ˇ Sweden's permissiveness for illegal anti-Zionist propaganda and Sweden's failure to recognize its anti-Semitic motive: application to ECHR ˇ ECHR application: supportive documentation ˇ ECHR application: photographic evidence European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) European Union does not oppose Sweden's active suppression of evangelical Christian truths. ˇ European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): ECHR's verdict 2004-11-12 ˇ Sweden's failure to recognize discrimination against evangelical Christian truths: application to ECHR ˇ ECHR application: supportive documentation Study the Bible ˇ Teologi - forblivandet i Kristus ˇ Theology - Discipleship ˇ Teologi - praktisk karlek